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The checklist is now available in English

Last year, in 2022, I've been invited to the DevFest Nantes in France. It's one of the best event in tech, because both the organizers and the speakers are great.

It was for their 10th anniversary, I was so glad to participate as a speaker.

Anyways, I decided to dig on a topic of mine: web forms. The more I work in the web industry, the more I discovered patterns that are User Experience killers, and not in the good way. People, designers, like developers, but not only them, fall into commons traps that are not good for the end users in terms of user experience, and accessibility (for people with disabilities).

So I decided to present a 45min talk on this topic, and to provide the attendance with a checklist of around 60 items to double check before (or after, at your convenience) pushing your form into production.

This checklist is now in English and will soon be accompanied by an e-book on this specific topic with a lot more of content and use cases.

I put the two checklists at 4€ instead of 6€ before the e-book is published.

Stay tuned and take care!
